The problem with Zoo’s in India
With lack of funds it can be hard to revamp and take care of the infrastructure at the Zoo’s. A good way to solve this problem is to bring in more customers to bring up revenue
The cardinal principle of any modern zoo is to serve the needs of the creatures it exhibits. But zoos in India are on tight budgets and lack new infrastructure & technology. They are poorly designed, with no understanding of animal behaviour
Conducting on field primary research
I visited Bannerghatta National Park to conduct my primary research. My objective was to shadow users and aim to observe pain points and bad experiences. I talked to many stakeholders and visitors which included children, the elderly and even foreigners! I gained variable insights and pain points from conducting this research!
User Persona’s
To segregate my thoughts better I decided to narrow it down to 2 personas.
Brainstorming and Quick Prototyping
Using affinity maps I generated various ideas and selected the most optimal solutions. I used sticky notes and markers for this process.
During this excersice I ensured to brainstorm all kinds of solutions and then picked the ones which were most optimal to this problem statement.
I created an IA Chart to help me organise content of the application.
I converted paper wireframes to low fi wireframe prototype to generate feedback and incorporate them onto the final designs.

Refining lo-fidelity wireframes with style guide
The all new zoo experience
Onboarding experience
Navigation, made easier

This new experience would make navigating across the zoo extremely easy, with a tap of a button visit your favourite animals faster, find restaurants and washrooms with ease. With the help of AR Navigation know where exactly you need to go. This also saves the environment by not printing papers for zoos and handing it out to users.
Learn more about animals

Adding this plethora of information could make visiting zoo’s more exciting, especially for kids. With an AR charcter coming on the screen and talking about the animal could make it more engaging and informative for kids
Prototyping AR Characters
Since signages at the zoo are not readable, scanning the code could create this magical experience of the animals coming out of your phone and with the help of voice could talk about the animal in detail. I decided to make a rough prototype using Unity, android studio and Maya for creating the 3D Model.
Misc Screens